Short gay movies movies

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And that’s more worthwhile than any Netflix or HBO deal could ever bring me.” He wrote to tell me that he watches DARE over and over when he’s feeling like he doesn’t want to live. Like Jack from a small village in Ireland. “Our legions of fans-13.5M views on YouTube while being suppressed from search by them, but that’s another story-demanded a sequel. “15 years later, I decided to revisit this world with THE DARE PROJECT,” Brind added. And yes, a bit of sadness.”īrind said that after understanding the fan base that the original DARE had developed over the years, he decided to try and continue the story he had begun. That even if it ended here with ‘Johnny,’ something else unexpected would arise. But because for the first time in my life, I believed that connection with someone I desired was possible. Not because I was fetishizing the straight guy-though that’s a real thing. I was the star, he was in the chorus because he got kicked off soccer for smoking. “I was a closeted (sort of?) popular kid.

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